Has it ever seemed like you have no control over your own destiny? Life is just going along, like a river swiftly moving a log downstream, and you feel like you’re that log. It can seem impossible to change course sometimes, but it is more than possible, and in fact, it’s imperative that you do. I was singing and speaking to a group of homeless folks yesterday morning with this message in South Carolina on our Follow Your Dreams Tour and thought I’d share it here as well. Also check out my song, Follow Your Dreams! OWN YOUR DESTINY…

Greater Things Art Print | Joseph James | Follow Your Dreams Tour

(Artwork by Joseph James) Read more

Perfect Love

Perfect Love casts out all fear! I love the Amplified version of this passage. “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love].” 1 John 4:18  AMP

A sufficient understanding of God’s love! Selah! Pause and think about that for a moment. So many folks, including Christians fear so many things. They even fear missing God’s plan for them and getting off into sin and other things, yet, His Perfect Love. (Ephesians 1:16-23 Prayer!) In our travels, this is the one thing we deal with the most, so I thought I’d write this post to help some.

Alaska Kenai Mountains | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

[Alaska Kenai Mountain Range, Homer, AK, June 24, 2017 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James] Read more

Who I Am

Who I am. Who am I? Who are you? Why are we here? When I think of these questions I think back to when I heard a song by Supertramp called, “The Logical Song.” One of the main lines of the song is, “Can someone please, just tell me who I am?” If you’ve never heard of it, you can google it to find a site to listen to it. The album came out in 1979 and we still ask the same questions today. Who am I? I bought the album as soon as I could and would cruise up and down the streets in my home town at night just listening to it. It was just me, the music and the wind blowing through my open windows in the cool night air. This was the question on my mind during my teenage years, “Who am I?” Why do we do the things we do? Why do we have to conform to these worldly standards? We don’t have to conform, there is a better way. Throughout all of history, good changes come when people dare to stand up with a better way. Before we can do that, we must find a better way. Who I am! Read more

Life Of Balance

The pendulum swings from one side to the other, from extreme to extreme. Only in the middle of its journey is the balance. The clock, with its pendulum, is sometimes representative of our lives. It can also represent an action against us with a counter reaction from us. The balance of this lies in our response to the action against us and not to simply to react to someone else. Response Versus Reaction! LIFE OF BALANCE! Read more

The Mask

Have you ever watched a clown and wondered what they were really like under the mask and the makeup? I wrote a song a while back called “The Clown” and it is about the masks we wear. The interesting part of the whole song is when the clown starts taking off his mask and there are more under it. He then begins to wonder what he really looks like and who he really is. THE MASK… Read more

Truth & Terrorism

There are many ‘catch phrases’ in our world thrown out by some to try and control the masses. In my opinion, “Political Correctness” is one that has nothing to do with the truth, but rather is a way to sway people to a certain way of thinking and acting. It institutes fear and rather than standing up and denouncing it, people succumb to the fear. Then we hear the word “Terrorist” used to describe groups that are not. The throwing around of these little ‘catch phrases’ is being used for a lower purpose, branding and labeling.  They talk about profiling and yet they are the ones doing it. This is deception and it is being interweaved into our society in a way that it can be used at any given moment to sway public opinion, regardless of the truth behind it. Truth & Terrorism! Read more

Finding God

How does one find God? Where is He? When you find Him, how do you know? Maybe it’s just your imagination. I mean, do you just follow a bunch of do’s and don’ts that someone might have made up, or is He someone real and tangible. Can you sense His presence? Does He make Himself known in Who He is and what He does for us? How can we really know that He is not just a figment of our imagination? FINDING GOD! Read more

Suicide Watch

The cry in our hearts to fit into society, to be a part of, to be with someone special, to not be alone is sometimes so loud that we can’t hear anything else. Many times we can be in a crowd of people and yet be all alone. “Can’t someone see me? Don’t they understand? I can’t live like this any longer! No one cares! I’ll just end it all! At least I’ll be in a better place! It will be all over! Good-bye mean, cruel world!” And then it ends… Or so we think! SUICIDE WATCH! Read more