How did Jesus get through that infamous night in Gethsemane? His sorrow and anguish was so great that scriptures record that His sweat was like blood. Luke 22:44. How did He endure the excruciating pain of the cross? What was it that helped Him walk those painful, yet necessary final steps of His life on earth? FOR THE JOY… Read more
Has something happened to you that is so bad, you can’t even see how you are going to make it through the day, let alone the rest of your life? Was it a violent act? Was it divorce, the loss of a loved one? Was it the loss of a job, or friendship, sickness or injury? What do you do? Traumatized! Read more
It’s Not Over
You know the old saying, “It’s not over, ’till it’s over!” It is the truth. After everyone had given up hope, the miracles started to happen. One could argue that maybe God wanted it that way and they may be right. After so many years of suffering, pain and crying out to the Lord for help, He did answer. It wasn’t the way they had thought it would be, but then again it never is. God is God. He sees things from His perspective, through eternity and His plan for salvation for all mankind. Who are we to judge His ways? Yet, He gives us His Word and through everything He does, especially His timing, He always stays true to it. IT’S NOT OVER! Read more