Do you have a story? Someone needs to hear it! Don’t think so? Look around you and listen. Can you see it in their eyes? Can you read between the lines? Can you see them in the distance? A STORY TO TELL… Read more
SDDL – Perspective
I am requesting your prayers in regards to continuing writing Janiece’s biography. Janiece just showed me the Foreword in the biography of Kathryn Kulman’s “Daughter of Destiny” and the struggle that ensued as Jamie Buckingham began to write. The biography has to show the whole story yet magnify the Lord and the glory He deserves. There is a fine line to walk as we journey through the tender areas of the heart. As Chris Rodes shared Sunday at Oasis, if you want to see the victory, you must also see the conflict or battle that was fought, my paraphrase. Read more