Pursuing our dreams can sometimes lead us right into a wall that seems impossible to get beyond, and yet, nothing is impossible to those who believe the Lord can do it. The size of that wall is dependent upon our perception of it. Our path to fulfill our dreams is mostly about perception, because our perception can bring things into focus, or blow them way out of focus. Things can appear smaller or larger depending on our vantage point.

DeeZee Redwood Forest Dance | Daniel Hartmann | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

(October 23, 2016 | Redwood Forest, CA | DeeZee -Daniel Hartmann | Dancing | by Joseph James) Read more

Laugh, Laugh Again

I can’t seem to say enough about this subject. I wrote another post titled, “Laugh At Yourself.” You might like to read it also. Regardless of what we are going through we need to laugh. I am not saying there isn’t a time to grieve or to be serious. These times do come and go and when they do, it is good to go through them. I am not referring to these times, eventhough it is good to find short periods of time to laugh during these times, if you can. LAUGH, LAUGH AGAIN! Read more