I realize that some of you who are reading this could be on the verge of totally giving up on life. You feel all alone and that there is no one who can hear you! In some ways you’d be right. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit, but you’d also be wrong. I’ve been at the end and contemplated ending it all, but there was someone there with me. Care to find out who?

Pikes Peak Colorado | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James Music

(Pikes Peak | Colorado Springs, Colorado | October 2017 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more

Joseph & Janiece on Liberated Living Radio Show

Janiece and I were recently invited to share her story on the  radio show “Liberated Living” with Chicago radio host Eliakim Thorpe. The show was recorded and aired this month and is now archived on the Liberated Living Radio page. Her story has touched so many lives already and we know there are many more so we are doing what we can to spread the word. “SENTENCED TO DEATH, DESTINED FOR LIFE – THE JANIECE TURNER-HARTMANN STORY! Read more