I realize that some of you who are reading this could be on the verge of totally giving up on life. You feel all alone and that there is no one who can hear you! In some ways you’d be right. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit, but you’d also be wrong. I’ve been at the end and contemplated ending it all, but there was someone there with me. Care to find out who?

Pikes Peak Colorado | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James Music

(Pikes Peak | Colorado Springs, Colorado | October 2017 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more

New Bookings For Early 2018

So it seems that Easter is on April 1 this coming year. Going to be interesting, just saying.

I was looking at the Calendar to set up some bookings around the country this year. Looking at Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, and possibly surrounding states (Colorado & Arkansas, etc?) for later in April and early May. Florida and area in February or March or possibly Arizona & New Mexico and area in January & February. Just throwing some things out there in case some of you live in those areas. We have some connections in these areas, but would love to have more to help us get the word out there. Read more