Today we have added our Press Release to the web site in pdf to read, download & print and/or email to those who need to see it. If you know of someone in the media who would like to know about this story, please pass it on to them. Our goal is to help as many people as we can. Read more
SDDL – Perspective
I am requesting your prayers in regards to continuing writing Janiece’s biography. Janiece just showed me the Foreword in the biography of Kathryn Kulman’s “Daughter of Destiny” and the struggle that ensued as Jamie Buckingham began to write. The biography has to show the whole story yet magnify the Lord and the glory He deserves. There is a fine line to walk as we journey through the tender areas of the heart. As Chris Rodes shared Sunday at Oasis, if you want to see the victory, you must also see the conflict or battle that was fought, my paraphrase. Read more
SDDL Book Part 2
Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life:
“Tell My People I Love Them”
The Janiece Elaine (Turner) Hartmann Story
The following is a photo collage of a few of the stages of Janiece’s life from an innocent child, through the traumas, near to death, and then restoration.
Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life
The Janiece Elaine (Turner) Hartmann Story:
Every once in a while, a story comes along that is too awesome to believe, yet too well documented by so many witnesses to disprove. A story of the miraculous that shatters the voice of the unbelieving and one that compels the reader to go beyond their own opinions and beliefs and dare to enter the realm of life changing miracles! Read more
Table Of Contents
This is a preliminary listing of the Table Of Contents for Janiece’s biography. After 15 years of gathering information, living, and attempting to write here and there, here we are now, beginning. We are currently titling the book, “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life” with a subtitle of “Tell My People, I Love Them.” This information is being shared, in these early stages, to encourage those who knew Janiece during any of these times to add their comments or stories to these particular windows of time in her life or to contact us through the contact form of this web site to communicate with us personally. Due to spam issues, we have chosen to use this form as a first line of defense. If you have a story to share, we would rather you contact us, than use the comment box. Read more