How can we win the battles and keep the victory? Why does it seem when we take one step forward, we go three backward? How can we stand our ground and gain the victory? We need to understand a few things in order to go from victory to victory instead of defeat. Dreams are created to accomplish not to fall short. Winning The Battles!

Redwood Forest | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James Music

(Redwood Forest 10.23.2016 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James Music and DeeZee Dance) Read more

Getting Through The Night

It’s difficult to see in the dark without some kind of light, that is for sure. Sometimes the night is simply a time to rest for the morning to come. Fear is the enemy of rest, because it can bring stress, worry, doubt and all of that other stuff. The night is necessary though, it helps in the reset process.

Alaska Border | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

(Alaska Border | Alaskan Highway @ approx. 11:30 pm 07.03.17 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more


I realize that some of you who are reading this could be on the verge of totally giving up on life. You feel all alone and that there is no one who can hear you! In some ways you’d be right. I’ve been there more times than I care to admit, but you’d also be wrong. I’ve been at the end and contemplated ending it all, but there was someone there with me. Care to find out who?

Pikes Peak Colorado | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James Music

(Pikes Peak | Colorado Springs, Colorado | October 2017 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James) Read more

Perfect Love

Perfect Love casts out all fear! I love the Amplified version of this passage. “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love].” 1 John 4:18  AMP

A sufficient understanding of God’s love! Selah! Pause and think about that for a moment. So many folks, including Christians fear so many things. They even fear missing God’s plan for them and getting off into sin and other things, yet, His Perfect Love. (Ephesians 1:16-23 Prayer!) In our travels, this is the one thing we deal with the most, so I thought I’d write this post to help some.

Alaska Kenai Mountains | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James

[Alaska Kenai Mountain Range, Homer, AK, June 24, 2017 | Follow Your Dreams Tour | Joseph James] Read more

New Bookings For Early 2018

So it seems that Easter is on April 1 this coming year. Going to be interesting, just saying.

I was looking at the Calendar to set up some bookings around the country this year. Looking at Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, and possibly surrounding states (Colorado & Arkansas, etc?) for later in April and early May. Florida and area in February or March or possibly Arizona & New Mexico and area in January & February. Just throwing some things out there in case some of you live in those areas. We have some connections in these areas, but would love to have more to help us get the word out there. Read more

FYD Tour Concert Omaha – Video Highlights

We recorded the Follow Your Dreams Tour concert at the Sozo Coffeehouse in Omaha, Nebraska on October 12, 2017 and created a Video Highlights film on YouTube. This is to show a small portion of what we do in the concerts and outreaches as we encourage folks to dream and to not give up. Depending on venues, we can do speaking and/or music and add dance, comedy and acting in as well. Read more


A Message Of Hope Along A Lonely Road! | In Memory Of… Web Page

After discussing this with some friends and ministers about this and getting very positive feedback, I decided to go with it. I didn’t want people to think we’re trying to make money off of someone else’s grief. This is a delicate subject and I want to treat it with respect.

Many folks want to help in preventing suicide but don’t know how. So many have lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdose, or simply lost someone too soon, and want to reach out to others to make a difference, but don’t have a way. Just one simple voice with a loving message might just make a difference in a life or death decision as someone skims through cyberspace looking for a reason to live!

In Memory Of - Life Support Messages - Cancel Suicide

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