Janiece and I were recently invited to share her story on the radio show “Liberated Living†with Chicago radio host Eliakim Thorpe. The show was recorded and aired this month and is now archived on the Liberated Living Radio page. Her story has touched so many lives already and we know there are many more so we are doing what we can to spread the word. “SENTENCED TO DEATH, DESTINED FOR LIFE – THE JANIECE TURNER-HARTMANN STORY! Read more
Truth & Terrorism
There are many ‘catch phrases’ in our world thrown out by some to try and control the masses. In my opinion, “Political Correctness” is one that has nothing to do with the truth, but rather is a way to sway people to a certain way of thinking and acting. It institutes fear and rather than standing up and denouncing it, people succumb to the fear. Then we hear the word “Terrorist” used to describe groups that are not. The throwing around of these little ‘catch phrases’ is being used for a lower purpose, branding and labeling. They talk about profiling and yet they are the ones doing it. This is deception and it is being interweaved into our society in a way that it can be used at any given moment to sway public opinion, regardless of the truth behind it. Truth & Terrorism! Read more
Finding God
How does one find God? Where is He? When you find Him, how do you know? Maybe it’s just your imagination. I mean, do you just follow a bunch of do’s and don’ts that someone might have made up, or is He someone real and tangible. Can you sense His presence? Does He make Himself known in Who He is and what He does for us? How can we really know that He is not just a figment of our imagination? FINDING GOD! Read more
Suicide Watch
The cry in our hearts to fit into society, to be a part of, to be with someone special, to not be alone is sometimes so loud that we can’t hear anything else. Many times we can be in a crowd of people and yet be all alone. “Can’t someone see me? Don’t they understand? I can’t live like this any longer! No one cares! I’ll just end it all! At least I’ll be in a better place! It will be all over! Good-bye mean, cruel world!” And then it ends… Or so we think! SUICIDE WATCH! Read more
Gender Issues
Contrary to popular belief and some of the medical community’s declarations, I believe some gender issues can be resolved. How do I know? I know someone who has made it through. It is not mere theory, but truth because it is reality. In fact, it is one of the issues I have written about in the biography, “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life: Tell My People I Love Them! – The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story.” Of course, this is my opinion and everyone is welcome to their own. I do know that there is hope. Read more
SDDL Press Release
Today we have added our Press Release to the web site in pdf to read, download & print and/or email to those who need to see it. If you know of someone in the media who would like to know about this story, please pass it on to them. Our goal is to help as many people as we can. Read more
SDDL Books Are Here
Great news! We received our first shipment of “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life” books on Wednesday, July 27. Finally, after 17 years in the creation of the storyline, and over one year of writing, it is completed. I feel like a weight has lifted off of me. Now, our outreach begins and a new chapter in the unwritten continuation. “Tell My People I Love Them!” Read more
Miraculous Help In The Journey
Yesterday, was an awesome day in the fact that I felt like I climbed the highest mountain, while at the same time crawled through the deepest valley or canyon. It was one of those being in a bubble of peace while in the midst of the storm. At times the storm would graze my being as I would gaze upon the stormy circumstances and begin to lose my focus. But by day’s end, even though I was exhausted, my spirit was soaring. What did all of this mean? My eyes were opened for me to see what the Lord has been doing in this long winter season that is now over for us. Miraculous Help In The Journey! Read more
Change My Mind Or Change My Body
Are all tragedies bad? Can any good come from them? Sure, good can come from tragedies, but can the good outweigh the bad? I know a story of tragedy that was actually a miraculous story of victory. How can this be, you might ask? Let me tell you. Change My Mind Or Change My Body! Read more
SDDL – Perspective
I am requesting your prayers in regards to continuing writing Janiece’s biography. Janiece just showed me the Foreword in the biography of Kathryn Kulman’s “Daughter of Destiny” and the struggle that ensued as Jamie Buckingham began to write. The biography has to show the whole story yet magnify the Lord and the glory He deserves. There is a fine line to walk as we journey through the tender areas of the heart. As Chris Rodes shared Sunday at Oasis, if you want to see the victory, you must also see the conflict or battle that was fought, my paraphrase. Read more
SDDL Book Part 2
Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life:
“Tell My People I Love Them”
The Janiece Elaine (Turner) Hartmann Story
The following is a photo collage of a few of the stages of Janiece’s life from an innocent child, through the traumas, near to death, and then restoration.
My Rose
(Written for my wife Janiece, I love you princess.)
(Click image for larger view)
My Rose
- There was once a rosebush all beaten and rent,
- If one were to see it, they’d consider its life spent;
- But along came a man one day, He reached down from above,
- He carried it home with Him and showered it with love. Read more
Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life
The Janiece Elaine (Turner) Hartmann Story:
Every once in a while, a story comes along that is too awesome to believe, yet too well documented by so many witnesses to disprove. A story of the miraculous that shatters the voice of the unbelieving and one that compels the reader to go beyond their own opinions and beliefs and dare to enter the realm of life changing miracles! Read more
Table Of Contents
This is a preliminary listing of the Table Of Contents for Janiece’s biography. After 15 years of gathering information, living, and attempting to write here and there, here we are now, beginning. We are currently titling the book, “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life” with a subtitle of “Tell My People, I Love Them.” This information is being shared, in these early stages, to encourage those who knew Janiece during any of these times to add their comments or stories to these particular windows of time in her life or to contact us through the contact form of this web site to communicate with us personally. Due to spam issues, we have chosen to use this form as a first line of defense. If you have a story to share, we would rather you contact us, than use the comment box. Read more