We have ministered in 8 public meetings here in Colorado Springs since May with our JOURNEY TO HOPE! public meetings and have another one at 7pm this Friday, August 23, at Wellsprings Worship Center. We have listened to feedback from those who have attended the meetings and have produced a 7 DVD series called JOURNEY TO HOPE! in response to their comments and concerns. The main resounding comments we are hearing are concerning mainly churches.
We are finding that there are many inside of the Church who are dealing with these same issues but are afraid of saying anything because of the repercussions that come from people who say they are Christians and want to help, but instead, only judge and condemn them. Now, this is not a blanket statement for all church groups as we realize there are many who truly care and truly want to and do help. The main concern from this group, however, is that people in some church groups need to understand where this group/people are coming from in order to really be of help and for this group to be able to feel like they are in a safe place where healing and transparency can take place. Suggesting/preaching scriptures to people and offering canned prayers without trying to understand and bring comfort does not help much, but rather in some instances, compounds the problem more and pushes the people away. Usually, these people go away more hurt and wounded than before and have no more desire to ever enter another church building.
We designed, filmed and produced the JOURNEY TO HOPE! 7 DVD Series for people to be able to identify with Janiece as to the particular issue they are having or to the person/group they are trying to help. She then walks us through a journey of what it was like to be in that place and how she walked out of it victoriously, bringing hope, encouragement and determination to all who are watching and desiring victory. The greatest thing about this series is that the DVDs can be viewed individually in one’s own home in privacy or in a public setting. Of course, we are willing to share and minister in public and private group settings as we are able and as our schedule permits. We have some short clips from each DVD available to watch on the SDDL YouTube channel or just go to the main SentencedToDeathDestinedForLife.com home page and click on the individual DVD Series clip you want to watch.
For more information on the DVD series, the book, the biography, etc. please visit our website. We also have information available on the upcoming JOURNEY TO HOPE! Conference in Colorado Springs, CO on October 4&5, 2013. The conference is free, but please register online as seating is limited. We will be ministering in Texas the last two weeks of September, please check our Itinerary page as to the cities and details. If you would like to book us for a meeting on this trip in Texas, please contact us using our contact form or call 469.450.8050. Blessings…
Joseph James