I can’t seem to say enough about this subject. I wrote another post titled, “Laugh At Yourself.†You might like to read it also. Regardless of what we are going through we need to laugh. I am not saying there isn’t a time to grieve or to be serious. These times do come and go and when they do, it is good to go through them. I am not referring to these times, eventhough it is good to find short periods of time to laugh during these times, if you can. LAUGH, LAUGH AGAIN!
Proverbs 17:21 “A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.†(AMP)
One reason to laugh is that it is like a medicine. It works healing. I am not a doctor, I’m just quoting the scriptures. There is a lot to this scripture. It says that a broken spirit dries up the bones. Could this have to do with the chronic problem we have with brittle bones, especially in the elderly? Each individual has to come to grips with their own lives and choices. Now, nutrition has a lot to do with our health and just like nutrition, the state of our heart, feelings, emotions and judgments also has a lot to do with our health.
Life is too short to carry grudges and judgments. Who really cares anyway? We do, right? What good does it do for us? What good is it to those around us? Does it make us grumpy and complainers? Does this cause more stress? Does it keep others away from us? Can it keep our bodies from absorbing the nutrition we need? Yes it can. So, what can we do?
We have choices. Things happen in our lives. These things aren’t fair. Do we respond or react? Do we really, really, really trust the Lord? Does He really know what He is doing? This is where it all comes down to, the essence of our faith and what we really believe in our hearts. Do we believe that the Lord is able to help us through anything that we face? If we can’t forgive, can we choose to forgive with His help? Here again, it comes back to choice. Every step we take in life is by choice. We live in a society that holds on to wrongs and litigates at the drop of a hat. Whose fault is it? Well, they need to pay. They caused it. Pause for a moment and look at our society. Take a good look. Everyone is fighting everyone else with the exception of a few. What can we do? We need to focus on ourselves and how we handle each situation. Are grudges and judgments really good for us? Look at the bad that happens to those who hold on to grudges and judgments and then look at what happens through love and forgiveness with others. What quality of life do they live? What will be remembered about them? Will it change anyone else’s life for good or bad? We must decide.
Find some shows that are funny and watch them at least once a week. Try to find things that are done in good taste, so we don’t get caught up in someone else’s judgments on the show. Have some fun. Go out to a park, the mountains, the ocean and see the things the Lord has made just for you. He sits in heaven and laughs at the plots of the enemy because He knows that His plan will succeed. Stop by and sit with Him a while and laugh a little too. See everything from His perspective. He knows you. He knows what you need and if you let Him, He will help you. Get to know Him and gain true understanding. LAUGH, LAUGH AGAIN!
My prayer for all of us is that we can truly see the Lord in all of His goodness. I know He cares for us more than we can ever know, this side of heaven. I long for His people to have the courage to go beyond our judgments and experience His love. “To admit we might be wrong is the beginning of this journey. To admit we are wrong puts us firmly on the path.” Spend time with Him and get to know Him better than your closest friend or spouse. He is our Father. He is our Creator. He is deserving of everything we can give Him. Laugh, laugh, laugh! The enemy can not keep you from your destiny, only you can. I so desire to meet you in this life, but if I don’t get the chance, I want to see you on the other side in His kingdom. Don’t settle for second best when you can have the best just by choice. Choose life, please.
Joseph James
If you like to read fiction, romantic, prophetic, adventurous and supernatural books, check out my “Islands In The Sea†series. “Islands In The Sea: The Day The King Walks In†and “Islands In The Sea: The Lion Roars” here or click on the image below for more info.
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Janiece and I travel and minister as doors open for us to go. We are now in the process of writing her story into a movie. We share His love to those who haven’t heard of their Father’s love for them and also minister in song. Please use our contact page to contact us for more info. I have written 4 books now to help encourage people and to help them get to know Him. They are: “Destiny Path Of Life: The Journey Begins,” “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life – The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story – Tell My People I Love Them!“, “Islands In The Sea – The Day The King Walks In!“ Book 1, and “Islands In The Sea: The Lion Roars” Book 2. I also have recorded some of my music for encouragement. Listen to some of these songs on our site, YouTube in video, and they are also available to purchase and download here. I have some artwork that we have for wallpapers and prints. If you need help or prayer, please write to us and let us know. The proceeds from all of our products help us to minister to those in need.
Our main ministry site is ShaftOfLight.com, my books, art, music site and blog is DestinyPathOfLife.com, Janiece’s site, for her biography is SentencedToDeathDestinedForLife.com, and our online store is BeneficialZone.com. We hope this information and our prayers help you to overcome and get the victory in your life that is yours. Psalm 139.