A Message Of Hope Along A Lonely Road! | In Memory Of… Web Page
After discussing this with some friends and ministers about this and getting very positive feedback, I decided to go with it. I didn’t want people to think we’re trying to make money off of someone else’s grief. This is a delicate subject and I want to treat it with respect.
Many folks want to help in preventing suicide but don’t know how. So many have lost loved ones to suicide, drug overdose, or simply lost someone too soon, and want to reach out to others to make a difference, but don’t have a way. Just one simple voice with a loving message might just make a difference in a life or death decision as someone skims through cyberspace looking for a reason to live!

We have provided a way to do both on Joseph James’ website and soon, Sentenced To Death, Destined for Life website as well. For a minimum $10 monthly or $120 yearly donation, we will place the name of the loved one you lost, your name, and a short message you want to add on the websites. It can be a famous person as well. This will serve a three-fold purpose.
#1. It will help us to reach out with our concerts|productions|outreaches to those who need encouragement and help keep our costs down. Traveling and paying for venues is very expensive. We are joining with other organizations in each community to make sure that those who need help, get it.
#2. You will be able to tell someone else a short story about how much your loved one meant to you. Perhaps this will make a difference to someone who reads your memory. Perhaps it will convince them that their loved ones care for them as well. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to change one’s mind.
#3. Your memory is an ongoing testimony to everyone who reads it, of a life that was taken too soon, no matter the reason. Everyone matters and has a destiny to fulfill!
We thank you for your support and help. We’ve been traveling for four years, paying our own way but together we can do even more. Eventually, we’ll be traveling with a production and cast.
Here is the link to the page. You can click on the link on those pages to help sponsor the outreach tour: http://www.joseph-james.net/JJ10/index.php/sponsors/in-memory-of/Â and now we have one on this website as well, https://www.sentencedtodeathdestinedforlife.com/wp/in-memory-of/.
Thanks for helping us get the word out there and helping to encourage others.
Joseph James