The Cupbearer

Who was the cupbearer? In Genesis 40-41, he was cupbearer to Pharoah. What does this have to do with us, plenty. Do you feel like you are in a prison and might have been put there and you didn’t do anything wrong, but you are stuck? Join the crowd. At some point in our lives we can feel trapped and sometimes this is more than once. THE CUPBEARER…

These are usually low periods of times in our lives. Sometimes we feel loneliness, despair, grief and depression. In these times it is hard for us to even focus on helping someone else. This was where Joseph found himself. He was in prison, trapped, lonely, and away from his family, yet he still managed to reach out and help those around him. No matter where he was in this desperate journey of his, he didn’t stop being himself or sharing his gift. In fact, it was this particular time that was going to get him out of his prison.

If you go back and read the section about his life, you will find that the Lord gave him a dream. The dream was of his family bowing down to him. Now he had been thrown in prison and it seemed like his dream would never be fulfilled. He was in a dead end place. How would his destiny ever be fulfilled? He was going backwards, not forwards. Why didn’t he just give up and be like everyone else? I believe it was the dream that compelled him on. He could sense his destiny and wouldn’t let anything or anyone keep him from obtaining it.

He learned patience and understanding while he was in prison. He began to see things from the Lord’s perspective. This was his training ground. He preparation for being second in command was complete by the time he was raised to rule alongside of Pharaoh of Egypt. He knew how to trust the Lord in every situation no matter how long it took.

In everything you do, give it your best. Keep sharing and loving. Don’t react to problems and things that don’t go your way, but rather search for understanding and wisdom. Relationships and problems can help us strengthen our spirit and soul. They can be like the weights in a fitness center. As we struggle through each one, we can get stronger. As we gain understanding, we gain patience. When we begin to understand the ways of God, we can rest from our own struggles. We begin to realize that He can see the whole picture and trust that He has our timing down to the perfect moment. He hasn’t forgotten us. He has a special place for us and it is greater than we can ever imagine. Read the story of Esther. Be encouraged today and may the presence of the Lord fill you with everything you need. Laugh at your problems, because they are in the process of being solved. Is there a cup bearer in your life? Reach out and touch someone.

Click on the image below to read more about it.

Destiny Awaits Art Print - by Joseph James

Joseph James

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Janiece and I travel and minister as doors open for us to go. We are now in the process of writing her story into a movie. We share His love to those who haven’t heard of their Father’s love for them and also minister in song. Please use our contact page to contact us for more info. I have written 4 books now to help encourage people and to help them get to know Him. They are: “Destiny Path Of Life: The Journey Begins,” “Sentenced To Death, Destined For Life – The Janiece Turner-Hartmann Story – Tell My People I Love Them!“, “Islands In The Sea – The Day The King Walks In! Book 1, and “Islands In The Sea: The Lion Roars” Book 2. I also have recorded some of my music for encouragement. Listen to some of these songs on our site, YouTube in video, and they are also available to purchase and download here. I have some artwork that we have for wallpapers and prints. If you need help or prayer, please write to us and let us know. The proceeds from all of our products help us to minister to those in need.

Our main ministry site is, my books, art, music site and blog is, Janiece’s site, for her biography is, and our online store is We hope this information and our prayers help you to overcome and get the victory in your life that is yours. Psalm 139.

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